Wednesday, May 27, 2009

just messing around

I've got a couple more pictures that I took just playing around with different lighting settings. If only this weren't too dark, I actually like this level of ambient lighting. The dark foreground with the brighter background produces quite the strange effect.


Monday, May 25, 2009

new project, with pics

So now it looks like I'm stretching my poor self even farther! Ah well, I asked for it. I've gotten myself involved with another project, and it looks promising so far. I'm making a map for a HL2 mod, which shall remain nameless until further notice, but I can say that so far this project looks like it will be giving me plenty of opportunities to flex my creative muscle. I'm still working on the first project, so that means it's only a matter of time before I go completely insane. I'll make sure to update when that happens!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

third beta is nearing completion

For the most part, the third version of this map is complete. As far as overall layout and gameplay goes, there are just some minor details that need to be ironed out. For the most part, there just needs to be some optimization and graphical details added.
I am uploading new pictures of the most recent additions. The caves beneath the map have had some minor lighting changes and the tunnels are a little bit wider. I constructed a wide cave with a skylight for detail, I'm hoping to add more random details like that as time goes by.