Wednesday, March 25, 2009

canada is over

Yep, I'm back home and ready to get back to work. If I have it my way, I will have the third beta version of the villa up in three weeks. That's a semi-serious goal right now.

As for now, it's late and I should most likely go to bed, but before I do I will show off the terrible moustache I had for three minutes earlier today before I freed my face of facial hair.


Friday, March 20, 2009

let's go to canada

Tomorrow is the first day of a five day vacation in Canada. I may be wrong, but I think Whistler just might be a little nicer than heaven. We'll soon see.

I'll be back in a week. With pictures.



Thursday, March 12, 2009

i may have doubled the size of my map

I'm extending the back yard right now to add some breathing room to my map. I'm adding a total of three new areas that will wrap up the design of the map, and I would say I'm maybe 25% through with the back yard. These are some (very) rough drafts of what I have in mind for now.


Monday, March 09, 2009


I've made some progress tonight. The first screen shows off the new frontal area of the villa where the gate and main door will be located, the second is of the stairway arch connecting the old backyard to the new location. Tomorrow is a day off, so I'm planning on making a full night's effort on this thing.


my newest map addition

Right now I'm working on making a full addition to the backyard-soon-to-be-front-yard. The addition will include a gate with a road entering the complex, to add realism, a full frontal addition to the villa, and a large archway connecting the new and old portions of the yard.

This is a screen I took of the arch as it is in my editor:


Monday, March 02, 2009

version three of the beta

I started work today on the third version of the villa map. I haven't worked on this project in nearly a month, but in that time I've been directed to a couple of sites (fpsbanana and HL2DM University) to promote the map, and both have been immensely helpful. I wanted to get feedback from outside sources and sure enough, there were at least a dozen pretty important issues that most likely never would have thought of fixing.
The biggest issue has to do with overall performance. FPS were pretty volatile on a lot of machines, and it was enough jumpy for me when I played on a server in Japan. I'm going to do a bit of reading but I know there are some ways to boost performance without hurting the looks of the map or the gameplay. For now I'm going to increase the lightmaps (reducing the shading quality)and compile the map in LDR to make it easier to download and install.